Children’s charity

Putting Young People First

Our Vision

To deliver and support high quality youth services for young people in Leicester and Leicestershire to assist them to be safe, confident, ambitious and make a positive difference in their communities.

Our Mission

To ensure Young Leicestershire is a respected, influential and the go to voluntary sector organisation, championing the power of youth work.

Our Aims

As a local youth work organisation, Young Leicestershire’s youth work transforms young people’s mental health and wellbeing, supports confidence building, resilience and enables young people to take control of their lives.

Charity Leicestershire
  • Waterfront Sports and education Academy

    YL has been with us at Waterfront Sports and Education Academy from day one, as far back as 2004.  Be it guidance, funding, information or just reassurance, they have been a reliable and trusted support.  We wouldn’t be where we are today without YL – Their level of support has been invaluable.  Michael Burgess CEO WSEA

  • Young Carer

    (Age 12) My little brother has Autism and I love him but it is nice to get aways sometimes and just have some fun with my friends.


How could you help?


Volunteers help us to achieve so much. From working directly with the young people we support, and in supporting our fundraising efforts. 

Make a donation

As a charity, we’re reliant on donations to keep running. Please help us to continue our support by making a donation today. However large or small.

Become a sponsor

Our sponsors fill a vital role in making Young Leicestershire a success. Helping us provide resources and support for our members and much more.

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fantastic charity

What we do

About Us

What we do


200 +

400 +

17K +

70 +

  • Young person attending the youth summit

    It’s your journey, take it the best way you can

  • K

    (Age 12) I like to get out of the house, away from the arguments and to get a break from the person I care for and just have fun!

Making Memories

Latest news & events

We’re proud to be partners with those supporting our cause

Young Leicestershire relies on local businesses to provide sponsorship, support and partnerships. If your business is interested in supporting young people in the county, become a partner today!

  • Coca-Cola
  • Hastings Direct
  • LCFC Community Trust  |  Leicester City
  • Martin Trust
  • NHS
  • Shoezone
  • The Centre For Youth Impact
  • UK Youth
  • 7Star Trust
  • Edith Murphy
  • Gosling Foundation
  • Haberdashers
  • Hearth Foundation
  • Leicestershire Police & Crime Commissioner
  • Parkers
  • PepsiCo
  • Shire Grant
  • Tesco
  • The Linder Foundation
  • Tollemache Trust
  • Wates Foundation

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